Right OF REply
What is the Right Of Reply
The “Right of Reply” or “Right of Correction” generally means the right to defend oneself against public criticism in the same venue where it was published. In some countries, it is a legal or even constitutional right. In other countries, it is not a legal right as such, but a right which certain media outlets and publications choose to grant to people who have been severely criticised by them, as a matter of editorial policy.
The United Nations recognises the “International Right of Correction” through the “Convention on the International Right of Correction”, which entered into force on August 24, 1962.

The Problem
With the advent of powerful search engines, victims of malicious speech find it difficult to respond to criticism in a meaningful way. Google search results for a person or business are often used for due diligence, personal and business reputations can be destroyed by bad first impressions in Google.
The Solution
The RightOfReply.org platform provides a conspicuous, credible and verified voice for rich or poor, strong or weak. It levels the playing field for individuals who do not have the financial or technical wherewithal to ensure their voice is heard, in Google search results, above powerful media platforms.

Tips for Writing an Effective Response to Criticism
Provide detailed arguments
Be specific and provide arguments to explain why the article you are challenging is in error. Provide exact quotes to sound trustworthy and convincing.
Include relevant material
Reference relevant documentation that supports your claims. Don’t publish personal details of your critic; we do not want a “flame war”.
Use appropriate tone of voice
Be polite and respectful. Avoid sounding aggressive or defensive. Respond in a way that clears things up for a third party. DO NOT use this service as a platform for defamation or revenge!
Publish your Response
Defend your reputation and let others know your side of the story. We publish your story but if you change your mind, you can delete or edit it in the future.