Jamie Fan Wei Zhi, Healthway Medical Corp Ex-Employee Responds to Malicious Smear Campaign
This response is published in relation to the false and misleading blog (“the Fake Blog”) by an anonymous blogger writing under the pseudonym of “Kiamhenglui”. This anonymous, malicious antagonist habitually publishes fake news and is likely to be the same individual publishing similar defamatory content under different pseudonyms and unofficial private blogs.
The allegations concerning Healthway Medical Corporation Limited have been conclusively established to be false. This fact can be easily confirmed from the Company’s public announcements especially that on 30 July 2018 in relation to a final Independent Review Report (“the Independent Report”) dated 30 July 2018 issued by BDO LLP which establishes that no breaches of the Singapore Exchange Catalist Rules or any Interested Party Transactions in relation to the loans erroneously referenced in the Fake Blog.

The Independent Report also finds that all necessary safeguards and controls had and have been set up by Healthway Medical Corp in relation to ALL loans whether at holding or subsidiary levels.
The insinuations and malicious aspersions in the Fake Blog suggesting any wrong doing or misconduct are clearly made without any basis.
Similarly, it is unfortunate that the Business Times made no efforts to correct and update its editorial to its article of 25 February 2017 (“the Erroneous Article’) even after public release of the comprehensive findings of the Independent Report which clearly confirmed that the Erroneous Article was purely speculative and misleading.
Finally, the Independent Report also confirmed that several of Healthway Medical Group’s employees were appointed as it’s legal representatives of its subsidiary companies in China (“the Wei Yi subsidiaries’) in order to safeguard and protect the Company’s interest in respect of the Company’s financial support to the Wei Yi subsidiaries.
Jamie Fan Wei Zhi was only one of ten employees appointed as legal representatives of the Wei Yi entities. These legal representatives report directly to and under the strict control of the Healthway Medical Corp’s senior management and have no dealings with or control over the loans to the Wei Yi subsidiaries. It is further noted that Jamie Fan Wei Zhi had surrendered from the start of her appointment, all control over the legal representative position, including her personal seal (which is the official recognition of personal signature in China), to the Healthway Medical Corp so that the company board and management might make decisions unilaterally and without need of her consent.
Notwithstanding the falsity of the publications, there is also zero basis to link Jamie Fan Wei Zhi to any of the allegations in the Fake Blog or the Erroneous Article.
Readers of the Fake Blog are advised to disregard the allegations therein, given the malicious nature of the same and the outright lies upon which it is premised. Individuals who possess knowledge as to the identity or motives of the anonymous, poison-penned vandal, are invited to contact jamiefanweizhi@gmail.com. Anonymity is assured.